We're still dry here at camp, but it's chilly and a very moody fog has settled in.
Line dancing was a hoot last night. Unfortunately the clouds rolled in so our astronomy lesson was full of stories of Greek gods but no stars.
Between breakfast this morning and our switch to field groups, the kids get to spend some time around the cabins.
On a cold morning, a trip to the showers includes bundling up...
We caught the 5th grade boys in the middle of a 'Tribes' activity here. This activity entailed sharing tales of injuries: skateboard wounds, campfire accidents, playground falls and more...
We have lessons on bird life, water cycles and environmental awareness planned for the day. As long as it stays dry, we'll keep to our schedule. If we get rain, we'll cover up with rain gear and be in and out of the cabins throughout the day.
Ah, to be a fly on the wall...