Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday Morning

A loud bunch at breakfast this morning. After a very quiet night. Well, it seems one of the girls cabins had quite a bit of late night chatting, but no surprises. Waffles, cereal, fruit & oatmeal were on the menu. Breakfast also includes a couple of morning sing-alongs, a riddle of the meal, and 2nd & 3rd helpings.

Our helpers in the kitchen this morning were the 6th grade boys. The one in the hat looks like the chef, and for the fall he is, but really he's an environmental education major from Oberlin College who cooked for his residential coop. This year he alternates his time between cooking and teaching outdoor science.

The 5th grade boys were bouncing into the dining hall, bundled up.

Two cups of water must be downed before milk or juice in the morning. Need to keep the kids hydrated.

A quick game of crazy eights before waffles.

The job of helpers for the 6th grade boys includes serving, and doing dishes...

And sweeping...

The girls were all showering after breakfast, so the boys had to pose for a photo.

Our sky is bright and blue this morning. There's talk of snow tomorrow, but for now the weather couldn't be nicer.

Today is 'adventure day', which means we get to do all the exciting activities: archery, wall climbing, the adventure/obstacle course and orienteering. At 10:00 a.m. the campers will switch over from their cabin groups to their field groups, grab sack lunches, load up on water, and head out in the woods until dinner time!


  1. Only 10 am and it looks like everyone is having a great time. Enjoy the weather. Rain is predicted for San Diego by Wednesday. Have a great Tuesday!

  2. I wonder which girls cabin was busy chatting! :)
    Sack lunches and out till dinner...sounds thrilling and exhausting!

  3. It sounds like so much fun. Have a great Adventure day! Kids will love it if it snows tomorrow.
    Thanks for keeping us updated.

  4. It's blustery and rainy here. Maybe it's snowing up there! Tell everyone we're thinking about them. I even had a dream about being at camp last night. It was cold!!
